Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Moving ahead.

If you dn´t move forward, you will see same thing time and again, so I headed to most popular Phewa, which was very crowded with domestic tourist and foreigner. Instead of capturing them, I looked for something different where these boys just finished swimming where they saw a new mobile drop in the lake.

We dn´t have much lake and water sports competition, where most of Nepali lack the swimming skills.

Calmness within matter most, no matter whats going around you. (Didn´t saw its leg was injured).

Local bus should be service oriented rather than business mind, if your service is prompt, you dn´t have to wait for more passengers to be filled.

It was just the opposite to what was written (noble silence ), why do visitors(esp nepali) make lot of noise in peaceful environment?                                                                                                                                                (Peace Stupa).

We have a belief that women´s beauty lies in her hair, which isn´t true all the time. Girl was curious why old women had chopped her hair.

I dn´t see much Nepali traveling to India for visit, but they do a lot nowadays to Nepal, may be due to cheap, cool temperature and religious significant.                                                                                                              To be continued :-)                          

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Joy of growing up