Friday, May 11, 2018

Leaving nature behind...

It was very peaceful place to enjoy the nature and listen the sound of silence. I m sure its never enough to see the lake for whole day, listen to birds sound and to see how weather and clouds changes constantly. With this law, I must move on, now I m fully refreshed, re-energize and joyful to start new days again. M sure I will miss this clean air to breathe, calm place to get lost and sound of silence.

When one is in trouble, nature is best place to be with, where one can realize what´s their importance, how the things and nature changes and how one can enjoy the self company just being with nature. Getting out into the nature was my favorite meditative way to overcome any confusion and problems.

No matter what, if one is calm, content and still inside, nothing can disrupt you. Nature keeps changing, keeping that in mind, I move ahead to grab new experiences, make new memories and will continue to capture images which have hidden stories. Thank you all for your time, I hope you like what I felt and written while traveling. Big Hugs !!!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Adventure waits...

Today, I went to Sundaridanda viewpoint of Rupa and Begnas, although the bus rides was scary, overloaded passengers, twisting roads but this one view made me forget all those hurdle on my way. Most of lake I have seen before was round but this was elongated, which seems like a river.

Then I step forward to Mahendra cave which was found 40 years ago, which now has become one of the destination for the domestic  and international tourist. There was light system taken inside cave, which made easy to walk and take images. It was like small passage where people can walk easily to 100m ahead with 7feet height.

Its a exit of Mahendra cave where we have to be  little careful so that our heads are safe.

The distance between Mahendra and Chamero cave is 15 mins walk. The black dots are bats staying inside cave, heard their number has been decreased nowadays. They like darkness so, there is no Sunlight passing through, so you need to take torch. Its quiet big, dark and adventurous than Mahendra.

One can´t appreciate light unless they have gone through darkness. Its very difficult to take images inside cave due to absence of brightness.

Its a exit of Chamero cave, which was quiet adventurous for me, there is no light but difficult steps to climb and if you mistakely fall down, you will not be able to get another chance to go up, you will fall much down with some injury. I was too scared to move, where my feet were shivering, mind was full of fears. But I was able to get out, thank GOD...
He was the God who saved me that day, actually I was stuck in such middle, where I can´t move either forward nor backward, but he saw I was in trouble, so he decided to help by his HELPING HANDS. I thanked him from bottom of heart for rescuing me, I was still fearful that whole day by the adventure I had. One can fully live when they know what it mean to feel death up so closely. It makes us strong. Take risk, to live again.  To be continued.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Moving ahead.

If you dn´t move forward, you will see same thing time and again, so I headed to most popular Phewa, which was very crowded with domestic tourist and foreigner. Instead of capturing them, I looked for something different where these boys just finished swimming where they saw a new mobile drop in the lake.

We dn´t have much lake and water sports competition, where most of Nepali lack the swimming skills.

Calmness within matter most, no matter whats going around you. (Didn´t saw its leg was injured).

Local bus should be service oriented rather than business mind, if your service is prompt, you dn´t have to wait for more passengers to be filled.

It was just the opposite to what was written (noble silence ), why do visitors(esp nepali) make lot of noise in peaceful environment?                                                                                                                                                (Peace Stupa).

We have a belief that women´s beauty lies in her hair, which isn´t true all the time. Girl was curious why old women had chopped her hair.

I dn´t see much Nepali traveling to India for visit, but they do a lot nowadays to Nepal, may be due to cheap, cool temperature and religious significant.                                                                                                              To be continued :-)                          

Monday, May 7, 2018

West in mind!!

Namaste everyone!!! After having  2 weeks intense workshop, I felt like I need to get out of the valley  for refreshment and explore new place and practice shooting in different environment. Traveling in tourist bus is much safer than local microbus, in Prithivi Highway, although it takes 8hrs where driver maintain consistent speed.
Seeing greenery gives much relief to my eyes after all I was tired of seeing dusty environment in Kathmandu esp in roads.
Childhood is the best time of life where one enjoys the moment without any fear with joy and curiosity.

I have been to Phewa many times where there was lot of tourist and domestic visitor, but visiting to Begnas was super idea which is calm, cool and less populated, what I was looking for.

You might think  it is a fishing farm, which isn´t true, its a storage of water from lake  for irrigation purpose near by.
Sunset above the hills was amazing, but it difficult capture what it seems in eyes lens than to camera lens. I wish there would be some camera equivalent to human visual exposure.
It was such a cool place to enjoy the nature, lake view, birds sound and of course improve shooting skills.  :-)  To be continued.

Joy of growing up